Belt Tighteners and Pulleys

Belt tighteners and pulleys

Aftermarket belt drive upgrades, including tighteners and pulleys, are crucial for improving a vehicle’s efficiency. These enhancements, replacing or complementing OEM components, offer superior durability and reliability. Belt tighteners maintain proper tension, preventing slippage and ensuring optimal power transmission. They often feature adjustable settings for fine-tuning tension based on driving conditions. Pulleys guide and redirect belts, reducing friction and enhancing overall system efficiency. Lightweight materials and precision engineering in aftermarket pulleys reduce rotational mass, improving engine response and horsepower. These upgrades are popular among automotive enthusiasts and performance-driven drivers aiming to optimize power delivery and enhance driving dynamics.

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Additional Information

  • Cast aluminum body provides extra strength and durability
  • Pulley arms are heavier to withstand greater torque
  • Lubricated bearings for long-term performance

Our Caterpillar aftermarket belt tighteners and pulleys products include but are not limited to the part numbers below. We sell other engine parts too. Click the links here to view these products.

Belt Tighteners

O.E.M. Part No.CAT® Engine ModelCumminsDynacraftFreightlinerGMInternational NavistarJonh DeereVolvo
1333544C10, C121814719-C1RE2490
1333545C10, C124071248D1186-2393
1352142C7, C9, 3126B4071248D1186-2393
13521513126B, C7D1186-24321687819-C91, 3543883-C1AH155348, RE184034
13825143126, 3126B, C7D1186-2458DCO90-727000
1421987C10, C128086969, 20461116
19006343116, C10, C123161562D1186-234115727065RE518097
1900642C12, C10D1186-2458DCO90-727000
19006493196, 3176C4071248D1186-2393
2117895C11, C13D1186-2611
2178938C15, C18, 3406, 3456D1186-2623
2201209C7, C9, 3426ED1186-2617
2222880C7, C9, 3126ED1186-261915170283
3368955C15, C163682946, 3683289D1186-2613
7E39993126E, 3126B, 3116D1186-24321687819-C91, 3543883-C1AH155348, RE184034


O.E.M. Part No.CAT® Engine ModelsCumminsDynacraftFrieghtlinerGMInternational NavistarKomatsu®Volvo
1337023C15, C18, 31963102888, 3161562D1186-51766731-61-4141, 6731-62-4110
1421988C7, C9, C10, C123164793, 20461114
1445611C7, C9, 3126EDC093-0011418902255919808-01
1979641C7, C9, C13, C153102888, 3161562D1186-51766731-61-4141, 6731-62-4110
2278313C11, C133281583, 3914095D1186-5208
2534525C7, C9, 3126BDC093-0011418902255919808-01
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