Impellors and Stators

Torque Converters are an essential part of your automatic transmission. They not only allow your vehicle to come to a complete stop without stalling the engine, but also provide more torque when accelerating out of a stop, ultimately, giving you more control over your machine’s movements. Impellors and Stators are located at the center of the Torque Converter. They redirect the fluid returning from the turbine before it hits the pump again, increasing the efficiency of the Torque Converter. Get in touch with us if you are interested in our Cat Aftermarket Impellors & stators parts.

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Our Caterpillar aftermarket impellors and stators products include but are not limited to the part numbers below. We sell other power train parts too. Click the links here to view these products.

Part No.DescriptionMachine Application
1T1991STATOR AS518, 561H, 613C
7T4753STATOR527, D5H
1T0708STATOR637, 977K/L, 980, 983
1480885STATOR773B/D, 775D
1T1331STATOR814, 815, 950F, 960F
1T0538STATOR AS924F, 926
1T1729STATOR AS938F/G, D5N
6Y3151STATOR950G, 962H
9P9517STATOR966D,  966E,  966F
6Y1090STATOR966F, 970F, 972H
9W4702STATOR980C, 980G, 980K, 988B
8E3726STATOR992C, 988F, 836
1T1981STATOR ASD4H, 517, 518
1T2052STATOR ASD6H,  D7F,  D8N
8P9266STATORD8L, D9L, D10N
7T7678STATORD9, D10R
1T1804STATOR ASIT28G,  924F,  928G
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