Rotating Group

A piston pump is made up of a rotating group barrel that rotates around a shaft, and seven to nine pistons are installed in a cylinder block with brass shoes attached. With each revolution of the cylinder block, the pistons travel inside the bore. The flow is generated in this way. During service, it is recommended that all pistons be replaced if they are to be changed. Depending on your needs, we can sell each of these components separately or in a complete group.

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Our Caterpillar aftermarket rotating group products include but are not limited to the part numbers below. We sell other Hydraulic Parts too. Click the links here to view these products.

Engine Model/ApplicationBarrel Part No.Piston Part No.
345B, 385C, 120H, 143H15591361559112 (9)
120H, 135H, 140H15889662959689 (9) SET
12G, 130G, 140G9J86608J2022 (9)
12G, 14G, D6H9T77749T7765 (9)
14G, 16G, 225, 2459J24171U2738 (9)
D8R, D9R9T84489T8452 (9)
215, 215B9J35228J2037 (9)
225B, 793D9T33709T3371 (7)
307C, 4M4019499871076666 (9) SET
318B17099591858979 (9) SET
318BL17099601858979 (9) SET
320, 320B, 320L1184053Included w/ Barrel
320, 320B, 320L1184054Included w/ Barrel
320, 320L5I86315I8632 (9)
320B, 325B8747830995713 (7)
320B, 322C, 325D13471341475860 (9) SET
320C, 320CL17334961915709 (9) SET
320C, 320CL17334981915709 (9) SET
322C, 325C19483711884210 (9) SET
322C, 325C19483741884210 (9) SET
325, 325L7Y42094I8834
325, 325L, 330L11111164I6448 (9) SET
325B13367771475860 (9) SET
330, 330L5I43115I8401 (7)
330, 330L8562595I4171 (9) SET
330C, 345B, 522B18840972835980 (7)
330D, 345C24787102959691 (9) SET
336F, 340F, 349D18841643349982 (9) SET
345B17099762959687 (9)
350, 350L7I81797I8178 (9) SET
350, 350L7I81807I8178 (9) SET
416D, 420D, 430D19602266E6151 (9)
416E, 422E, 428E16833801683384 (9)
426, D49T30269T3018 (9)
426B, D11R6E40076E6151 (9)
446B9T77579T7761 (9) SET
446B, 545C11653051165298 (9)
623F, 623G9T16871656969 (7)
834K, 836K , 962M, D6T26678362334880 (9)
914G, 939C, D4C13318481261400 (9)
938G9T82509T8249 (9)
938H, 962H, 966H, 972H25600831884210 (9) SET
963D, D7E, D8T27175996E4358 (9)
980M, 982M28616741970079 (9)
992, 9949J86674T3122 (9)
924F, 928G, 988F9T38639T3868 (9) SET
D6H, D6H LGP9T77299T7731 (9)
D7R14108289T4180 (9)
627G, D8R18384466E4358
E180, E2404I94724I9469 (SET)
E200B, EL200B9963420963989 (9) SET
E180, E2404I94730963989 (9) SET
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